Random Acts of Kindness

This morning I had a little extra bounce in my step, for no other reason than I had planned a random act of kindness, that I was excited to execute.

I bought these flowers for the lady who works in the drive-thru coffee shop we patronize every morning.

You should have seen the look on her face.  Surprise, joy, humility.  All priceless.  “But it’s not even my birthday?” she said.  “Exactly” I said.

There is something to be said for putting positive energy into the universe.


Quick & I mean QUICK room makeover

One year I asked my husband, what should I give up for Lent?  He said, “buying pillows. ”

“Hmmm, I’m sorry, I just can’t agree to that” I responded.

I mean, changing out the throw pillows is one of the quickest and can be one of the least expensive ways to change a room on a whim.

We styled up the other night for a little gathering. Whether you go floral, ikat, rock and roll, textural, the sky or sofa is the limit.

Oh yeah and he also said, “what’s with the horse?”  ha ha.

Post a comment and I’ll let you know where I sourced the fun accessories, you won’t believe it.

Sun Valley Style

Having just now gotten through the post-vacation, “what day is today?” phenomenon, I’m feeling rather accomplished for downloading some pictures.

So let’s talk about Sun Valley style.

This year I was not able to ski as I am still recouping from that darn ankle injury.  So I took to photo documenting and sort of rocked a permanent apres-ski style.  Think good coat, shades, (I rather enjoyed wearing no makeup, only lip gloss while there as I wore sunnies in and outdoors) and boots, that’s basically all you need.

This shot was taken outside Warm Springs during an apres-ski outdoor concert.  Note the retro plastic shades, Sorels, trucker hat (these only work in ski towns, fyi) and retro can of Coors.

Stocking hats that are so uncool, they look cool.

White is the new black as it comes to ski pants and an androgynous bright colored Patagonia puffer is a must.

A cute base layer like this one from Outlyne is a good idea as it’s all about starting out with layers in the chilly morning and then stripping them as things warm up by that famous Sun Valley sunshine doing it’s thing.

Furry and chic boots like these by Big Buddha will keep your tootsies, toasty. P.S. these guys are a deal!

And speaking of fur and deals,  I almost got this mink from the local consignment, The Gold Mine, which really is a gold mine.  I declined only because my family already calls me “The Coat Lady” and I don’t exactly live in a climate conducive for fur, unless you enjoy the wet mink look.  But if I told you the price you would fall off your chair…chairlift.  And we can’t have that, now can we?


Sun Valley, On My Shoulders…

Makes me Happy. Ok, maybe it’s “sunshine on my shoulders…” but you say potato, I say potado.

We came here to get our “medicine”

And by that, I mean sunshine.

I really mustn’t spend my time blogging, too much sun to soak up.  But rest assured I am collecting lots of fun material for a comprehensive post or two on the food, fashion and overall vibe of this wonderful valley.

As the wise Dr. Seuss points out, I really must get on my way.  My mountain is waiting.

Lunchbox Laboratory

It was a burger kind a Sunday.

So we headed to South Lake Union’s kitschy burger-spot, Lunchbox Laboratory.  Decorated with all kinds of fun decor, like you guessed it, retro lunch boxes.

I searched the place for a Wonder Woman box, like I used to carry and no such luck.

On to the food, hand-made Milkshakes served in beakers….

house-made salts of all flavors.  And burgers that will leave you wearing your yoga pants for the rest of the day.

Indulgences like these are what long weekends are made for, I think even the past Presidents would agree.  Happy Presidents Day.

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