This Weekend At The Market

You know how the story goes…”When weekend, then market (the word “market” can be used as a verb, you see).”

And when it rains, which is often does, thank goodness for indoor markets like that in Capitol Hill’s Century Ballroom.

And if you ever wonder who is in charge?

This is plastered on one of the walls.  I love the quirky mix of vendors (not that the vendors themselves are quirkly but I’m referring to their wares).

I always find a treasure or two–this time something for one of our Moms for Mother’s Day, here’s to planning ahead, yea!

Marketing makes one hungry, so we headed to the always yummy Poquitos.

Did you know that guac. is one of the 4 major food groups?

Any place that does adults and kids equally as gracefully, wins big points for us.

I also love the Spanish style detailing like this beautiful tile and let’s face it, atmosphere goes a long way for the overall restaurant experience (though I’m pretty sure not a food group…yet).

On Sunday the sun made an appearance.

Everyone was downright giddy (even this Easter Bunny who missed the memo that Easter is next weekend) So it was off to the Fremont Flea Market.

Intrigued by this vignette of white shoes in “the garage”.  Cousin Eddy anyone?  I was tempted with the go go boots, but too much of a heel for me in my current state, still.

Oh the possibilities with these cameos, no?  DIY jewelry, shadow box, even several in a bowl or an apothecary jar…

We were very torn over this Herman Miller original Eames desk chair, $40….now that I’m writing about it, I really should’ve gone for one.  Hopefully they went to a good home.

Almost anything can make an interesting collection.  Wooden ruler sticks clustered together provide height and interest.

This stand screamed Rachel Zoe with an abundance of fur, leather,  feathers, and overall cool boho. vibe.

Check out our urban cuties, a.k.a. future “pickers”

Again,”marketing” (verb here) can really expend a lot of calories and work up the appetite.  So into The Red Door for some final sustenance.  This place handles young and old(er:) well too–they even cut off the crusts from my youngests pb&j without even asking, now that is intuitive.   A burger with french fries in it?  Yes, please.

Happy Monday!


The Best Medicine

Can you remember the last time you laughed this hard?

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
~Jean Houston

Wishing you a moment of side splitting laughter and a universe of new possibilities today.

A Touch of Tassel

“Calling all favorite search terms on Pinterest…”  I’m amazed how a simple term like “tassel” yields an abundance of inspiration.

First, texturally awesome look created by tassel garland set against a Flinestones’esque wall.

A swag of tassel garland brings just a touch of tasteful razzle dazzle to this buffet table.

Even in a sleek bathroom, a pair of tassels hanging on each of the lights provides just the right amount of adornment, symmetry & elongation.

This look, while not as sleek– just as chic, thanks to a tassel or two on the hand towels.

Tassel fringe takes these white sheers from simple to irresistible.  No?

 A leather tassel classically tempers a rock n roll look of this beautiful studded clutch.

Of course there is also a whole host of DIY tassel projects on there, think fabric, and tissue paper and jewelry and and and….

I’d love to hear from you what are more of your favorite search terms?  Image credits and Sources found here.

It’s Not a Saturday Without…

“A trip to the Farmer’s Market,” you’re supposed to say.

So this weekend at the market, this is what we found:

Fresh eggs are delicious–eek and a little expensive, but as usual, you get what you pay for in life, right? Plus, we’re talking farm to table here people.  Ever had a duck egg, worth it?  They are definitely bigger.  I hear they are good for making quiche.

We always pick up a baguette from Tall Grass Bakery.  The kids literally pull off hunks of it while we cruise the market.  I consider this a worthwhile carb. as minimally processed.

Speaking of hunks, check out the hot one from Hama Hama.  Isn’t he the poster child for shellfish purchasing with his Xtratufs, and brooding fisherman look…?  I mean, this is where we buy our oysters.

Swish it all down with some ginger beer from Rachel’s Ginger Beer.  This stuff is zingy and good and yes, “zingy” is a word.

Must not forget tabletop.  A few branches of forsythia are always chic and a sure Welcomer of Spring.  Not too long before lilacs appear on the scene, yippee I can’t wait!

Oh and one last good reminder.

Here’s to a good week!

The Gift You Give Yourself

Flowers are the gift you give yourself.  Especially after having one of those weeks.  So on days like today, when the sun gloriously shines–

I make some time or give a gift to myself and visit Volunteer Park Conservatory for a floral boost.

Note the happy hyacinth greeting me cheerfully.

What a treat, their collection of rare orchids that usually are behind a cage (remember that movie about the orchid thief?) were free today.  Damn, I wish I had my good camera with me.

Intoxicatingly fragrant blooms will transform even the grumpiest of moods.  Think jasmine, and lilies and hydrangea and more.  P.S. do you see the white daffodils?

Lilies are of course a family favorite.  Maybe none as pretty as big white ones…with a sparkler of a sky as the backdrop.

Gifts like these give me a moment to reflect.  Literally.

Happy Friday and Happy Anniversary M&G.

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