Feet up

Enjoying a little vacay and much needed dose of vitamin D!

Taking in the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the Southwest.

Full briefing heading your way in a soon…

Good Friends Are Like Stars

A little something on my mind lately…

You know who you are…will be looking at the sky tonight.

You Know You’re in Seattle When…

You are jogging across a drawbridge and come across a sign like this:

Naturally, right?  I wonder if they get boat parking, err I mean moorage, too?

You have to pay a guy to come and clean the moss off your roof

I don’t think ours was quite this bad, but apparently this was a “banner” year for moss due to the cold wet conditions these kinds of spores love.  More about that from an article yesterday in the New York Times Here.

Your kid’s class goes on a “salmon release” field trip…

Yup, they cultitvated the eggs in a fish tank, learned about their life cycles (we know all about salmon’s “lunch sacks” and other fun salmon trivia in this house now) and then released them as “fry” I believe, into Issaquah Creek.

You pay $4+ bucks for gas a gallon.

My husband says I’m obsessed with gas prices, and you know, he’s right.  Busted as I am in this weird idiosyncrasy, I seem to be always verbalizing the various stations I see throughout the day and comparing the prices (today $4.15 at the “expensive” station), like it’s such an interesting  topic of conversation.  I could usually tell you down to the penny how much gas will be at the 10 or so stations within a 2 mile radius of our house.

Rare and unusual flowers like these Trillium suddenly sprout up in your yard

People really do drink a lot of coffee here, the sign is a little dark, but reads: “I’d like a Cafe Mocha-Vodka-Xanax Latte to go please”

I’ve had 3 of these today now.

By the way, Seattle has 10 times more coffee stores per 100,000 residents than the United States has overall.


This Weekend At The Market

A couple days late, but better late than never, right?  Even though it is still chilly willy here, shiver…the variety is picking up at the market. Hope you enjoy a few highlights.

The shellfish from Hood Canal’s Hama Hama is quality fresh.

We went to a lovely Spanish themed dinner party later that night where our hosts served us steaming hot bowls of clams (sourced from Hama Hama), Spanish style of course.  I didn’t ask for the recipe, but it seemed pretty darn close to this one I found from Epicurious, click Here. Loaded with lots of garlic, onions, I reco. having some crusty bread around for soaking up the broth.

You know how I’m a sucker for root veggies,

So this mound of white carrots was calling my name, waiting to be made into something delish.

As alluded to earlier, here in Seattle things are still quite cold, in fact, coldest April on record…soooo I thought another soup recipe would be appropriate.  Check out this delish recipe from Farm Girls CSA for White Carrot Ginger Soup Here.

And finally, I was so excited to see these rhubarb starts. Does your palette crave sour tartiness too?

Check out this recipe from Food Network for Grandma’s Rhubarb Pie Here.

Check ya later.

I Spy Something That is the Color…

Turquoise! (0r azul perhaps?)

Like this awesome bag from Anthropologie called the “bustling nightlife tote” intriguing name, eh?

And these sweet Tom’s shoes.

Which by the way, they sell now at Whole Foods. How convenient is that?

And finally this cute cell phone cover full of personality by Kate Spade.  And I have to say it is kind of hard to find a cute one, trust me I’ve searched high and low.

Next up, hopefully some turquoise skies…

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