Attention All Multi-Taskers:

We are such multi-taskers these days, aren’t we?

Checking the weather, our stocks and Facebook feeds on our phones every 30 minutes or so.

Putting in a load of laundry while on conference calls (muting of course!) when “working off-site”

And the list goes on and on.

This multi-tasking lifestyle that we have all assimilated to, makes *Debi Lilly’s new product line and partnership with Safeway stores, all the more brilliant.

Just think of this, while you blaze in to a Safeway to pick up some groceries for the fam., first you can grab yourself a Starbuck’s in the store and then meander over the floral area to buy a lovely, tasteful host or hostess gift for your friend’s dinner party that you have been invited to that evening.  Is that 3 birds with one stone or what?

Check out some of the lovely things she’s created:

Glass centerpieces–blocks and cylinders of all sizes, to be used with florals, candles, collections, fruit and more.  There is a collection of candles too and we all know you can never stockpile enough of those.

*Full Disclosure:  Last name sound familiar?  Debi & I are related, in fact.  I’m very lucky to have such a beautiful and talented sister in law.   Bear in mind this brings no bias on the fantastic-ness of what this collection brings to folks across the country who want to see cool, attractive and affordable things coming out of their grocery stores.

Multi-taskers, rejoice and head over to Safeway to check out Debi Lilly Designs!

Stairway to Heaven

Yes, that was a great Zeppelin tune. But I’m actually being quite literal here.

After the usual dose of HEAVY inspiration by anything Novogratz and after watching their new show Home By Novogratz premier on HGTV on Saturday (by the way, they killed it didn’t they?  can’t wait till the next one!). Read more about their show and their overall vibe in this Huffington Post article here.

Oh, back to stairways, I got to thinking about mine (below) and how to ratchet up the fab. factor.  Even though, I do quite like the wall color and our photos, maybe we could take it even a bit further…

One of Bob & Cortney Novogratz‘ signature design elements is a unique and dramatic stairwell.

Like this striped stair way as a first impression upon entering this “girl chic” beach/surf cottage, as shown on the premier show.  Looks like lots of tedious prep., but look at the result– a charming custom runner effect.  Well worth the effort!

Or this perhaps simpler version, from a Hamptons home sporting a black & white typographic design.  Image: Sixx Design

Their Great Barrington country home’s family photo wall (remember, more is more!)

Sleek and modern wood and glass Manhattan stairwell–beautifully dramatic.

“Be Novogratz,” let those creative juices flow….and take those stair wells to new design heights.

Summer Quest

My summer quest has officially become:  To attend as many varied markets as possible.

I’m actually tracking pretty well towards this goal.  Have been to 20 0r so different ones this summer, with more on the radar.

We lined up early in the a.m. to head over via ferry to Bainbridge Island Farmers’ Market .  Yes, it was a rainy Saturday morning, sigh.  But this story has a happy ending…

Look at the gorgeous and architecturally diverse homes that greeted us on the waterfront right as we approached the harbor.

A quick 35 minute trip and, we have arrived at our destination!  Oh the vast array of culinary options available from mid-summer’s finest; rapini, and sweet peas, garlic and Walla Walla onions, to name but a few.  Enough to make a true chef’s head spin or even a regular person who appreciates fresh product for that matter.

Just look at this colorful bounty of pristine, fresh arrangements placed in recycled olive oil cans, why didn’t I think of that? $15 for one of the lovely bouquets alone, $20 with the can.  Of course, I splurged to get the can…as we were entertaining later that night.  Fresh flowers are always in my budget.

If this doesn’t say “summertime centerpiece” then I don’t know what does.  It was even worth holding on my lap while the water sort of sloshed around on the ferry/car ride home.

Onto the herbs, like everything else at this market, imaginatively merchandised.

A pair of well worn (at least this farmer has a sense of humor with the wetness– perhaps some day I will too, no promises though) and loved wellies used as containers

This is the spot for a fresh cup of Joe.


There is something about Airstreams, that I find strangely beautiful and intriguing, even a bit romantic.

More vintage metal acting as a pedestal for the lusciously fragrant sweet peas.

After caffeinating, gotta get some vitamin C.  Freshly squeezed OJ anyone?

And to sweeten your coffee, how about some fresh honey with the “factory workers” on-site to demonstrate how “local” in fact this sweet honey really is…

And if all this doesn’t make you happy enough, you can catch a quick jam from the local band, Chele’s Kitchen.

Can you believe the change in skies by the time we were ready to turn around and sail back to Seattle, the sun even started coming out.  Don’t you love these fun sculptures by artist Ethan Currier?

Like these stone guys, I’ve gotta run.







Friend Friday

Ok, I totally blew the wad on cards.  Surely, I’m not the only one out there that buys cards for no specific reason, but to have in the “card drawer” when the appropriate moment arises?  That’s just good planning, if you ask me.  These darling cards and their simple, sweet sentiments got me thinking about friendships, how important they are, and how we closely we should cherish them.

Oh, I could name names here, but I won’t.  You know who you are!  Sure, I like my “new” friends too, but there is something truly special about an old friend.  And some of my newer friend’s I’m convinced we met in another life, so they feel like old friends too.

I couldn’t stop buying these adorable cards from Sugarboo Designs, Inc.

Quote by Bernard Meltzer

This one is my favorite.  Here’s to all my “good eggs!” Happy Friday!

Chevron Chic

I’ve been into sporting Stripes like white on rice for a good two years or so now.

And I keep wearing it…

And buying it…

And wearing and buying different, but basically the same, variations of it…

I just don’t seem to tire of my friend Stripes.

But I started thinking, what about a little “Chevron” to spice things up a bit, what do you think?

Like this little hot number by Alice & Olivia?

Adore this Lauren Merkin clutch!

Or this awesome navy & white frock by Milly?

Or a cas version like  Ella Moss’, “Calli” dress?

Cutie Juicy Couture top

And a little Chevy touch around the waist perhaps? Found this needlepoint belt buckle on Etsy, you can buy yours here

And you know what else??? Like their cousin Stripes, (yes, I still love you) Chevron, I just like the saying that word…CHEV-RON, also rocks in interiors.  I’ve got my mind set on a few more pieces to feature, like k.a. rugs, pillows, drapes and more, so stay tuned.  Don’t worry, Stripes, I’m not leaving you, just adding to my repertoire.

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