Decor for the “Tweener”

Yup folks, it’s officially we are in that “tweener” (one of my friend’s favorite terms, I laugh each time she says it) period post-holiday–what’s next-time. I don’t know about you, but part of me wants to jump for joy at the freeing of the holiday decor/clutter and the other part feels rather exposed and bare.  I needed a moment after seeing our glorious tree looking rather pathetic curbside this morning…

Moving forward, here are a few ideas, to keep things looking fresh, but with a an ever so subtle nod to the holiday season we all just endured, I mean enjoyed:)

These darling little bud vases were dropped off at my doorstep without a card during the holidays.  Took me a few days of sleuthing to figure out who they were from, once I did it was just the best surprise…aren’t they darling?  Clipped off a few poinsettia buds as the whole plant was on its way to the garbage.  Super cute eh?  Thanks so much Steph.

Isn’t the packing up of the ornaments, the ultimate drag?  These peacocks need a little more time to strut their stuff.

So one got clipped on to this cute topiary that was also a gift for the holidays, thanks Bill.  And the other onto an antique lamp.  I need to get that topiary planted by the way, but there’s something about the gold wrapper that’s still working for me right now.  Must be a “tweener” thing.

And finally, my super crafty and creative Mother in Law made us these beautiful glass angel decoupage ornaments.

I hope the photos do them justice.  There is french poetry and sheet music on the back.

After all, we all still need some angels watching over us, right?  And so they do ever so quietly hanging in our windowsill.

Lighten Up!

I know many of us are trying to settle into a “new normal” post holidays.  Of course this can be applied across the board, but for now let’s focus lighter eating.   Chances are you may be still looking for a bit of special to get through that winter glut thing and who says “party food” or food that feels like a party, has to all be heavy?

Might I suggest Rosemary Skewered Grilled Shrimp?

Recipe & 4 Simple Steps:

1. Simply pluck a few branches 6 inches or so long. (For us, foraging for the rosemary sprigs/skewers is as simple as plucking a few branches from our ever-expanding enormous rosemary bush in the garden, God love the Northwest for aspects like that!)

2. Skewer the shrimp

3. Brush with olive oil or this particular time, we had some leftover Pesto, that we swept the shrimp with.

4. Grill—until firm to touch.  Not very long (about 5 mins on a hot grill or so) as you know, shrimp cooks fast.


And an elegant presentation to boot.

P.S. Anyone want my husband’s amazing brussel sprout recipe?


Let the purification or detox or whatever it is you like to call it, begin.

In the meantime, isn’t this pristine retreat designed by Dara Caponigro so fresh and cleansing?

Image: Elle Decor

It’s like a spoonful of lemon sorbet to cleanse your palette.  I think I’ll keep looking at images of chic white and try to wish my holiday clutter away!

Ring, Rang, Rung.

Ring, rang, rung,

the New Year in, oh yes we did!  To infinity and beyond as Buzz Light Year would say.

Happy 2012 Everyone!


Top 10 of ’11

Only two more days left in this year and I’m ready to bring in the new one. I could almost even skip the NYE celebrations, but what fun would that be?  And let this sparkly manicure go to waste?  I think not.  Talk to the hand, (wow, I need to moisturize! Or maybe this year really did age me? Hmmm) just kidding, back to the Top ’10

As my blog is meant both for public consumption and also some personal reflection from time to time…I felt the need to write and document my top 10 personal highlights of this year. This seemed especially important given a year that was also filled with its share of significant challenges (crutches, and knee scooter, and walkers and air casts and canes and hideously ugly looking shoes be gone soon, please!)

A’hem, the top 10…in basically random order

#1 Stepping off the reservation to chart my own course by starting my own business

Creating one’s own footprint is key.  I chose this photo as I desperately hope I can walk in sand once again.

#2 Budding new friendships

Like these guys who were every bit as cool and salt of the earth as I thought they would be.

And those people you meet in the time of life where you are going through it all together.

And those folks who, though you haven’t even known each other for very long, it seems like you’ve always known them.  Oh, and I still love all ye old friends too, of course.

#3 Celebrating my parents 40th Wedding Anniversary

Here’s the thing about cliches–they are usually true: There is nothing more important than family.

#4 Making the journey to Nantucket to reunite with our families and dear friends

Where it all began for us and it continues to be the place that we think about the rest of the year in between visits.

No matter how many places we live, this special spot will always feel like home.

#5 Skiing

Here we are in Utah and me in too much pink.  There will probably be no shredding of the “pow” as we did here last year, this year ahead–but I will work as hard as I can to be shredding or at least swooshing once again next year.

No ski day is complete without some good apres, enjoying the wine cellar at Ski Magazine and Deer Valley’s “Ultimate Ski House”

#6 Watching our little ladies grow up and be happy

They continue to amaze and exhaust us in the same breath daily.  I am most proud of the compassion they have learned over this past year.

#7 Tucker; our handsome and naughty dog

Ohhh, this is a loaded one I’m pretty sure that the movie Marley & Me has nothing on us.  This dog has been equal shares of naughty and nice, but I think we are getting through those “puppy years”, and he is a part of our family for better or worse.

#8 Being with this guy another year

Nicknamed Smiley in college, he still is.  The other day, someone who we don’t even know very well, said “He looked at me and gave me the biggest smile.”  Exactly.

#9 Squeezing in a few sun vacations

When you live somewhere as weather-challenged as Seattle can be, these aren’t optional.  A few of these throughout the year (2 with a great friend, love ya K.L.) got us all back on track.

#10 Enjoying simple pleasures.  Realizing that life is really not about the fast lane, it’s about enjoying the simple things.

Like good health, being around good people, having a good meal, appreciating random beauty and having a laugh or two.

Hope this year has given you also time to reflect upon your own highlights and priorities.  Can’t wait to delve into 2012!

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