Make Good Things Happen Every Day

Last week I was in a work retreat and the little nugget I took away with me was: “Make good things happen every day.”


So simple, yet harder than you may realize. Working on that today and each day after this one.  Happy Monday.

What Took So Long?

It was a balmy August day and one that will be permanently etched into my mind. My 30 year old brother was visiting us from the East Coast. He walked into our courtyard and it was the day at age 30 he decided to tell me for the first time that he was gay. I’ll never forget it, he walked through the gate and suddenly had a cast on his arm (don’t worry, no one hurt him) I demanded an explanation, so long story short, first he asks for a glass of wine, then he explains the reason he had traveled to Seattle was to play with his Softball team who was in the area for the World Series of Softball, the Gay World Series of Softball and he hurt himself sliding into home plate…

He stared at me, eyes burning, and I just said, ”John, I don’t care.” Not probably my most articulate response, but the way that I truly felt/feel. I don’t care. He is the same wonderful person and brother as he was before he walked through the gate. We hugged and cried and waited for my husband to get home who was picking up a pizza. I told him he had to tell Aaron too. So we sat outside, eating our pizza (I had suggested shots, yes sometimes I am awkward in big moments, and Aaron looked at me like I was crazy and was sufficiently puzzled. So my husband asks in his typical relaxed non-challant manner, “So what happened to your arm?” He told him, and as we together took in the revelation and announcement we suddenly knew that everything would be different and unchanged in the same breath.

We continued the visit laughing and eating and drinking like we always would. We talked about silly things and serious things, like his desire for a family, when he knew, why it took so long to tell us…we took a beautiful summertime flight over Seattle, his 30th Bday present from us, and enjoyed the 30,000 foot view of the world. (OK, maybe not quite that high)



Again, nothing changed yet everything did. He was and is the same guy we have always loved with basically all the same dreams and aspirations that we hold.

This was five years ago. So much has happened. Telling our parents and family, life-long friends, (probably a lot a people still don’t know, but we don’t exactly care either) meeting gay friends and partners, learning and discovering and watching the world try to catch up. This is why I’ve decided to share this today; A day that the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples were entitled to federal benefits. Whether or not it was my brother isn’t really relevant, as everyone is someone’s brother or sister, son or daughter and deserve the same equality of treatment under the law and all the same rights.


My brother is happy and content living his life and the only thing that made me sad about John coming out at age 30, was why it took so long for him to tell us. I can’t speak for him there, so I won’t. But as I sigh a bit of relief of the progress made today in the Supreme Court I also have to wonder, what took so long?

13 and counting…

Exterior Design

This is the time of year that I turn my attention to decorating outdoors. This year as we are currently embarking on a fair-sized outside renovation (full before and afters and maybe a few “durings” promised in a detailed post soon) it’s all the more fun.


We pulled out our rotting, saturated deck and had this weather proof ready-for-all-the-elements patio installed.  With all this hard-scape, plants and pots and landscaping become extra important.  I’m loving searching for the perfect plants (think boxwoods and roses and grasses a few deciduous plants and more) to accentuate new lines and adding to the already pretty established gardens.  I can’t wait till these hydrangeas for example, get big and with our precipitous Seattle climate, they will in no time.


I’ve always loved these classic shaped cast iron urns.  I feel like pots and flowering baskets and flower boxes are totally needed accessories, without which, the yard would be naked, yikes!  Husband out of town for the weekend translates into treating myself , well us really, with flowers and lots of them. A boxwood for the middle, some sweet potato vine (just cannot resist that chartreuse color!) and some sweet pink flowers and…

download-7Voila!  They will look perfect planked on either side of our new French doors/front entrance.  And speaking of the “old entrance” it felt like it needed a little personality boost.


Pillows aren’t just for inside you know.  Of course, had to have these fun outdoor pillows.  More soon.  Happy Monday!


Here’s to Those Who Make is Possible

Coming back to work after vacation at the start of summer is rough.  Suffice it to say, I am really happy it’s Friday.  But I do need to give a shout out to a very special person, K.S. who helps our household chug along, without whom, it just may not work.  Those in our inner circle know how lucky we are with our nanny.  She is kind and patient and intuitive.  Frankly, she makes two careers possible.  She surprises us frequently with her thoughtfulness and foresight.  This is one such example.

download-5Written on popsicle sticks, 75 things to do in summer.  They are indoor, outdoor, crafty, random acts of kindness, big, small and all in between.  As they pull one out daily,

download-6it’s as though they hardly notice me trotting off in the morning.  Cheers to you K.S. and all the other “Villagers” who make it possible.  Happy 1st official day of summer and weekend.




Go to a Happy Place

There is nothing I love more than busting out of town for some vacay with my children promptly after the last day of school.

This year we altered our typical post-school Nantucket, MA (many of our NW friends don’t know where exactly Nantucket is) plans.  Yes, it’s taken me months to process this change, which has occurred for reasons too practical and blah to list.  But don’t worry, I’m sneaking in a quick weekend next month there and of course will share with you.  Anyhoo, thank goodness there are other truly “happy places” such as Sun Valley, ID (our East Coast friends & relatives have no idea where Sun Valley is…) that can transport you to that metaphorical place of:

Summertime Freedom.


Where the river runs fast and crispDSC_0267

and the kids walk freely


and the smore’s taste better than any dessert on the finest menu.DSC_0287

 The locals eat right out of your hand.  DSC_0297

and take cooling off into their own hands, err paws.DSC_0298

The local village puts the word “quaint’ to shame


And there are oh so many perches to ponder the goodness of life. DSC_0338Sun-filled walks refill our stores of Vitamin D–


and the cowboys mean business.


 The local ladies


are all smiles.


The mode of transpo. is 2-wheels, but not too fast; all is relaxed.


The sky is a cool blue but the dogs, they are hot.


Cotton lazily floats in the air, & the sun simply doesn’t stop shining.

For us, it’s back to the grind, but I will hold to that happy place and hope you are in yours too.

Happy Summer Everyone!

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