Browsing: "Family"


I write a blog and while I really enjoy it…it’s definitely not the only thing I do. I’m not promoting a business, don’t have a specific angle per se, but view blogging as a chance of expression with a voice. I have a full life as well as a full-time job. At times I wonder, should I keep doing this? What is the goal? Does anyone even read it? I must admit when researching other blogs in the universe frankly, I feel humble. There are so many inspiring and creative blogs out there, there is clearly a “next level” to…

Sum Sum Summa Time!

Stay-cations are great and all, but family road trips are the stuff of memory making, right? Doesn’t everyone remember arguing with their siblings about who was “crossing over the other one’s side” while cruising along in the family truckster? This past 4th of July we took a little drive out to the mountain resort of Suncadia, and thank god it was actually pretty close to home! When looking through the pictures, my sister in law commented that it looked like Max Kellerman’s Camp from Dirty Dancing. She was pretty much right. There were many firepits sprinkled about the grounds for…

Best Design Show Ever

Once upon a time I watched television channels outside of Bravo. Which brings us to the present, my favorite show, and obsession du jour, 9 By Design. How can you not love this sexy, edgy and loud couple Bob and Cortney (my alter ego) Novogratz with incredible design vision and seven, yes that’s seven, children ranging from newborn to pre-teen? And I thought my life was a little chaotic with a lot of balls in the air so to speak, but it looks downright vanilla and calm by comparison. Check out their site and when not filming reality tv shows,…

Tea Time

Few activities reach the height of civilization and sophistication as attending afternoon tea. In a world filled frenzy and immediacy, take a moment to luxuriate with a loved one over this delightful nicety. In the words of Henry James from The Portrait of a Lady, “There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.” Bergdorfs otherwise known as provider of all things chic in Manhattan, hosts a very special afternoon tea. A friend texted me about this, lamenting on how we should have been together to enjoy their lovely production….

Viva La Babysitter!

We lead a pretty active lifestyle, lots of coming, going, traveling, etc. Though recently our sacred tradition of weekly date night has gone to the wayside as we make room for group activities, etc. But alas, it returned this week and ahhh, the restorative effect… Went to see the movie Greenberg. This is one of those stick with you flicks. I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m always intrigued when a comedian, like Ben Stiller in this case can pull off a dark complicated role. But it’s funny in parts of, course. I mean, how can he not–just looking at…

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