Browsing: "Family"

It’s a NEW YEAR!

I have to be honest, I’m kind of OVER the holidays now, aren’t you? I sort of wish I could twinkle my nose and all the decorations and hoopla would magically be gone. Don’t get me wrong, We had a great NYE and New Year’s Day… but I’m almost too exhausted to recap it. I’m all about the start of a fresh New Year. It’s time to look forward now. With, that spirit in mind, let’s play a game! A dear friend (Thanks K.R.) recently sent me a email with this challenge, passed along by one of her friends: “Pick…

Fun in the Sun…Valley.

A few years ago, err like 20 to be exact–my parents took my brother and I to St. Anton, Austria to celebrate their 20th Wedding Anniversary over Christmas. The spot was chosen as they took a ski honeymoon in Austria following their wedding. So it was very befitting as they are about to celebrate their 40th Anniversary this year, that we took another family vacation to a ski destination that reminds me very much of the Austrian villages and ski slopes we visited 20 years ago, to Sun Valley, Idaho. Photo Credit: Rob Insinger There is so much to love…

A Homemade Christmas

In an attempt to avoid random retail rip-offs this year, we decided to gothe route of thoughtful and homemade gifts. First up, Gift #1: My husband’s hobby du jour: Pickling. I fully embraced this concept as a gift, especially as classic Ball Jars (that the goods come in), are so cute. They can be used as drinking vessels, as vases, for organizing kids art supplies, for pickling, and on and on. I can’t get enough of them. The actual pickling, he says is easy (my part is more like color coordinating the ribbons as a final touch) The recipe is…

Fun, Festive and Philanthropic!

It’s cold and it’s dark out there, tis time of year when our souls need to hang some twinkle lights! Thank goodness the sights, smells and sounds of the holidays seem to be in full swing. This weekend, we took in some of downtown Seattle’s best displays of festive decor. As an added bonus, there are many local charities involved in these spectacular displays. And I’m all about two birds with one stone! First, a trip The Fairmont Olympic Hotel for their Festival of trees. Twenty trees are exhibited throughout this elegantly appointed and grand hotel. Decorated with care by…

Giving Thanks

I’m not quite sure what my deal is, but today I watched Seattle Marathon joggers buzz right by my house (below), and I got teary eyed. Listening to the onlookers cheer the runners on, watching the runners determinedly slog through the Seattle streets, the whole scene gave me a lump in my throat. Maybe it reminds me of when my Dad ran his first marathon at age 50. Watching him come across the finish line, just made me weep of joy. The human spirit is so amazing, it’s almost overwhelming sometimes. It surprises me to get emotional at moments like…

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