Fashion SCORE!

While most of the people I know were enthralled in the World Cup, I experienced s serious “score” of my own, a “fashion score” that is.

I work on a University campus, so imagine my surprise when I popped into a clothing exchange store, to call it a Consignment shop would be a stretch…so imagine my surprise to see a Hermes dress hanging on the racks!

I simply had to snatch it up.

download-126I can’t even tell you what I purchashed it for, it was too crazy of a steal and may ruin my designer, second-hand karma for life, if I told.

download-128Can you imagine my utter delight to realize it kind of fit perfectly?

download-127What can I say, sometimes in life the fashion Gods are on your side…and also, “SCORE!”  Now, how do you say that in French?

Festive Fourth Fete’s

There’s still time to make your fourth fete’s festive.

download-119Our awesome nanny and basically 5th member of our family, conceived of this fun craft to die rice red and white and layer with white beans

download-122How cute is that?

download-124then pop a votive in the mason jars at night.  Voila.

download-118 flowers from the garden

download-123or grocery are a must.  But there’s really no need to fuss.

download-120even a simple bowl of cherries does the job quite nicely,

download-125and as it turns out, there are a lot of good red fruit options out there.

download-121 And don’t forget the Dollar Store.  Which provides “legal” fireworks like this little charmer on the fence.

Happy 4th of July!


Peek-a-boo! I see you, say the Nantucket gardens.



Creating intrigue from the outside, looking in…

Happy Hump Day

You Are My Lobster

download-110498c7403004db1774fde25993923675athat’s all, have a great day!

Project Island Runway

Pretty soon, if not now, I’ll be taking my fashion cues from my daughter’s, a.k.a mini fashionistas.  Especially after they recently attended Cheryl Fudge’s Nantucket Fashion Camp.

download-106I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty jealous.  So here’s how it works.  Amazingly warm and talented Cheryl Fudge


guides young and old alike with her fashion expertise

download-103to help create truly individualized and unique garments.


Empowered by the selections they make as they choose a garment and embelishments (think stencils, and patches and cutouts, well pretty much the sky is the limit)


that ultimately personalize their mini couture to their hearts content.

download-107As Tim Gunn would say, “make it work…” and so they did.


And as Heidi would say, Auf Wiedersehen.


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