To Still Leather or Not?
My transition from urbanity to surbaninity (not a word, but I like it better than “suburbanite”) has been a layered one. From less frequent trips to coffee shops, to fewer sirens heard to additions to and subtractions from the wardrobe.
But I got to thinking about the wardrobe transition and was triggered by a neighbor’s comment:
“When I saw you with those leather pants on, I said to myself, yea I give that a year…”
Well, here I am a year later. Still sporting the leather.
And really the additions to and subtractions from the wardrobe have been more weather-related. (Think more flannel, less rubber wellies and more fur trimmed, everything)
Some say there is the age factor. I have one pair of leather pants that are over a decade and a half old, and if anything have improved with age. Proud to say I can still zip (most of the time)them.
So I say as long as the shoe…or pants or dress fit, then why not? A few other looks, and sorry for being a terrible selfie taker, those folks with real true fashion blogs have photographers do their snaps.
I actually have worn this for grocery-getting at the Village Market *p.s. these are the original pants from my early 20’s. I’m grateful they are well-made and the seams are still in tact:)
I have worn this outfit above to work. And the one below is just for fun. Full disclosure: since hurting my ankle years back I don’t wear these shoes outside the house, but oh how I love them.
Soooo, rock your leather on; young or old (it’s just a state of mind anyways! Keith Richards will tell you, he lives in a neighboring town), suburban or urban!