Kitchen Facelift Lift; Phase One Complete!
Come see how the painting of the cabinets and walls turned out–looks like we will be ready for Thanksgiving afterall, with what seems like a whole new kitchen!
We made three changes only; painted walls and trim, cabinets and replaced 1/2 hardware
We painted the island three shades darker than the walls.
We swapped out the old drawer pulls for antique brass cup fixtures, the bottoms were the original we may still change, but for the moment, they are fine. Plus I ordered the wrong size:) My friend who is also re-doing her kitchen and I commiserated, the devil is in the details.
Styled with accessories I already had.
It’s hard to believe it looked like this–
only one week ago. After the holidays we will tackle expanding the island and a few other items on our kitchen wishlist.
Oh…and I also redid the bathroom over the weekend. Check back soon for the before and after on that project. Nothing like a little company to get a fire under our remodeling tushies. I survived the cleanse and it’s given me a freakish energizer bunny kind of energy. We shall see how long it lasts!