Tropical Punch
Just back from Flah-rida as they say here in the Northeast.
While I did miss the entire Lilly Pulitzer for Target sale yesterday (on a plane, will probably need to get therapy of some kind for this loss), it’s not all bad as we did make it to her motherland, a.k.a. Palm Beach in the flesh.
Thought I’d share a little post-vacay color or tropical punch if you will, on a rainy Monday a.m.
The Tropical Fruit Shop is a must for fresh from the citrus orchards goodness (you do know that is why Lilly came up with wild prints to disguise juice stains, don’t you?!)
An intoxicating mix of blue skies, salt water and orange blossom fills the air.
I’ve always wanted a manatee mailbox
Bougdinvillea and palms restore the spirit.
The ease of saturated color is ever-present
Can you hear Jimmy Buffet playing in the distance?
More from me again soon (once I download the rest of the pics), it’s back to life and reality, though I may have a sip of something coconut-y for lunch for a mental transport.
Have a great week all!