Snowed in, Will Putter
What’s a gal to do when snowed in? For me, it’s putter around, with the ever-evolving interior design of our new home. This morning, it’s the living room. A big space that needs a lot of help and puttering.
I put heavy furniture that I couldn’t otherwise move, like this chartreuse Chinoiserie cabinet, on handy dandy slide guides and suddenly I become quite self-sufficient. My Aunt who is my remote interior consultant (lots of text photos exchanged) thinks the mirror should be hung lower, now that I see it here, I have to agree, too bad I can’t put that bad boy on slides.
Over the weekend we picked up a pair of these cool black leather chrome chairs from an awesome Antique salvage place in Philly. We acquired some other cool treasures for other rooms, that I will share with you at some point too.
With such a neutral base, the room needs more pops of color like the cabinet, will be looking for fun art, maybe even some DIY projects? Also on the hunt for an over-sized and airy coffee table and a flokati rug.
This is what the room looked like before, lovely, yet we have a different aesthetic. For the time being, the curtains are down, the paint has been lightened to my go to: Light Pewter. Next up, styling the bookshelves, sounds simple enough but is kind of daunting actually.
Happy puttering:)