Cheating on Fashion with Furniture
Do you remember that line from the Sex in the City movie, when Carrie Bradshaw says:
“I’ve been cheating on fashion with furniture?”
Considering how cold it has been here and that most of my wardrobe these days includes something flannel or wool, this statement is definitely true. But maybe worth the sacrifice when it comes to tufted Belgian Linen such as below.
Tucker and I are both surveying the room that looked like this a few days ago
(just a bit of upheaval with a side of dry pointsetta) None the less, It feels like progress is being made. But oh there are shelves to style, rugs to add, art to hang…
coffee tables and side tables and chairs to acquire oh my! Very excited for some “hand me downs” coming our way from Cape Cod soon, but trying to remember that slow and steady wins the race. Check back for more glimpses into the progression.