Feather the Nest Festive

It’s both overwhelming and exciting to break out the Christmas decor, don’t you think?


But setting the mood at home, whether simple or elaborate is a critical part of enjoying the holidays, if you ask me.


In addition to figuring out the right place to start, it’s sometimes hard to find the right place to stop.

download-9like these silver garlands (sourced from the dollar store) that were calling to be a part of the frosty mercury glass display

download-7Incorporating whimsy is fun, such as this red nose I couldn’t resist adding to “Rudolph.”  And of course, prominently displaying our family & friends’ cards is a joy that we look forward to all year long.

download-11In our house, it’s important to remember why we celebrate the season, so a kresh filled with kid-made fired clay pieces is a big part of that.  I also love the leather camels a friend gave us as a gift from her trip to Morocco.  Tis the season to blend old with new–handmade with, well, Dollar Store…and whatever makes you happy.

download-8We try keeping up with holiday traditions, such as growing paper whites from bulbs and hoping they bloom in time in time for Christmas, which builds the anticipation of the season.

download-6Pops of color and contrasts delight the senses.

download-30As far as outside goes, I struggle to keep my Clark Griswold at bay, and be tasteful, though going big is so fun.  That wreath is 2 feet in diameter.  It might need a big loud ribbon on it, stay tuned.

download-28You can never really have too many garlands or–

download-29greens or sparkle!

Hope you’re having a good holiday season and Enjoy feathering your nest!



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