This is How We Roll…
Actually, no one really rolls into Nantucket, more like floats or flies. But as I just returned to Seattle (on a big jet, I must guiltily admit, it’s much better on a big ferry or little prop plane for anticipation sake) after a delightful, though quick trip there, thought I could squeeze in a light post with a teaser of how we roll while in Nantucket, until I have a chance to organize my thoughts into more.
I guess you could call us ACKERs? Most of you know who read this blog about my Nantucket obsession and that ACK refers to the airport call signal. Anyhoo, bumper stickers and plates reign supreme on this island.
And so do Jeeps. Usually very loudly rattling along the cobblestone paved drives. Do you believe that Dreams Come True? All I know is that if you don’t dream it, it probably won’t. So why not?
The “p’ACKed” sticker simply says it all and had to be shot. Had my whole family been on this vacay (and boy did I miss them), we would have easily filled it to the brim–
With island essentials (and quite frankly blind spots!) such as boogey boards and surf boards and bikes filling this ride, so much so, that of course they couldn’t see me backing out. Oh the perils of blogging.
But it’s not all about the water adventures, sometimes it’s about smelling the roses, or hydrangeas or zinias as are sold from this open-bedded truck on Main Street in the mornings.
the range of beach transpo. sort of cracks me up. From legs to bikes, to Porshe’s and everything in between. The lovely Nantucket beaches beckon and welcome one and all.
This fun old firetruck is parked outside the new Nantucket Hotel, formerly Point Breeze Hotel where we were married 11 years ago. More about that in a another post, I promise. They did such a nice job renovating it while honoring the history of this island landmark.
Cisco Brewery’s Triple 8 mobile can’t be missed. Though I do miss Triple 8, I wonder how long it will be before we can access it here in the Northwest?
It’s also fun to zig and zag down the road on a Missoni beach cruiser.
The Nantucket Hotel’s old fashioned trolley, I can’t believe how stinkin’ classically cool and fun they made this place, (again, more on that later) of course I am a bit biased…
But, bigger isn’t always better. Cecilia is the C Wonder mobile. Spotted cruisin’ all around Island and this day spotted at Dionis Beach.
Finally, this Jeep sporting all kinds of Buckeye pride had to be captured. Go Bucks!
I have so much more to share about the trip, but jet lag and Seattle life have taken a hold of me, so this lite post will have to do for now. Stay tuned.