Go to a Happy Place
There is nothing I love more than busting out of town for some vacay with my children promptly after the last day of school.
This year we altered our typical post-school Nantucket, MA (many of our NW friends don’t know where exactly Nantucket is) plans. Yes, it’s taken me months to process this change, which has occurred for reasons too practical and blah to list. But don’t worry, I’m sneaking in a quick weekend next month there and of course will share with you. Anyhoo, thank goodness there are other truly “happy places” such as Sun Valley, ID (our East Coast friends & relatives have no idea where Sun Valley is…) that can transport you to that metaphorical place of:
Summertime Freedom.
Where the river runs fast and crisp
and the kids walk freely
and the smore’s taste better than any dessert on the finest menu.
The locals eat right out of your hand.
and take cooling off into their own hands, err paws.
The local village puts the word “quaint’ to shame
And there are oh so many perches to ponder the goodness of life. Sun-filled walks refill our stores of Vitamin D–
and the cowboys mean business.
The local ladies
are all smiles.
The mode of transpo. is 2-wheels, but not too fast; all is relaxed.
The sky is a cool blue but the dogs, they are hot.
Cotton lazily floats in the air, & the sun simply doesn’t stop shining.
For us, it’s back to the grind, but I will hold to that happy place and hope you are in yours too.
Happy Summer Everyone!