Inspiring Philanthropy
We all need inspiration from time to time. I’m lucky to be in a field where it’s usually not too hard to find, but a little boost here and there never hurts. Today I found myself browsing over the profiles and reading the stories on The Giving Pledge. From the stories of living the American dream of success, and the accumulating of wealth, to epiphanies of how to give back and improve the world, I was inspired. What exactly is The Giving Pledge, you wonder?
Though started domestically, The Giving Pledge has recently expanded internationally. I am so moved by this promise partly because this isn’t about a contractual obligation, but it is about making a statement publicly to give back in order to inspire others to follow.
Sure we aren’t all billionaires or even close, but what kinds of commitments and statements can we make out loud to do good? What kind of examples can we set for others to follow a lead in philanthropy both big and small?