Christmas at Home
We’ve spent Christmas in a number of different locations through the years; Sun Valley, Vail, Ohio, Connecticut, all wonderful and memorable in their own right, but this year we are embracing the notion of “Christmas At Home.” What does that look like, you wonder? Well, pictures tell thousands words, so here we go!
Speaking of pictures, one of the sure signs that Christmas is coming is when the photos and cards from family and friends start to arrive. It’s a race to the mailbox to see who can open them first.
This year, they came in droves and are displayed proudly all over our home.
Seeing your smiling faces is one of the true joys of the season.
Of course, one must have a tree and this year, knowing we would be here the whole time; well, we went big.
Like a “it took three large dudes to get it on top of the car” kind of big.
And A. needed a running start to get it into the house kind of big. I mean why else would one have 10 foot ceilings?
I love those special heirloom items like these miniature angels that form an orchestra that have been handed down through the years.
They line the window sill, and I think reflectively of the joy in someday passing along treasures like these to my children.
Next, the mantle. Ours is a centerpiece for the holiday glow. Filled with mercury glass, antlers and all things that sparkle. This year we added some fun red and white boiled wool garland.
The King Charles spaniels are a fav.
And speaking of pooches, sometimes I just can’t help myself. Everything and one gets a simple touch of adornment.
I still can’t believe our wild lab., Tucker, shockingly enjoyed a moment of peace and sat still for this.
Onto gifts for friends and family. Let’s face it everyone loves getting a bottle of bubbly for the holidays.
I like to enhance the gift one tiny bit by adding a special ornament.
It’s so much fun to drive some Christmas cheer around town, if it weren’t so rainy I’d have the top down for the deliveries for sure, (blasting heat of course:) Tomorrow, the table (I hoped to get to it tonight, but ran out of time). Come back and check it out.
So the stage is set, but Christmas is about so much more than decor and trim. It’s about being with those you love and thinking about those who are important people in your life–whether you are spending the holidays together or not. I always find so much perspective in this time of year, and hope to have the time to a share a thought or two more.