Whatever did we do before Pinterest?
Whatever did we do before Pinterest? I don’t know, but I’ll tell you what we did today. Oreo turkeys, a la Pinterest of course!
Parents in the Northwest need to have many tricks up their sleeves for rainy weekend activities. So this was a perfect, seasonally-appropriate, “busy” project.
I have to say, buying Oreos reminded me of the recent run on Twinkies (R.I.P. Hostess). I don’t usually buy either one, but nostalgia is fun, let’s face it. All you need are:
Oreos (I recco. double stuff for the stuffing portion), candy corn, pretzel sticks, rolos, chocolate icing, we used bits of marshmallow and gold perils for the eyes and a tiny piece of red licorice for the gobble.
Turned out to be the perfect use for left over Halloween candy. The finished project!
Kids enjoyed it, therefore all is well in the universe.
Hope all of your Thanksgiving prep. is fun too, will be in touch again soon! Peace out.