They say the nesting instinct kicks in right before having a baby (and NO, I’m not pregnant) But before starting a new job?? Yup, I start a new job on Monday. To think that this time last year–I couldn’t even drive my kids to school.
My to-do list is getting rather insane and for some reason the more domesticated the task and the longer I’ve put it off, the more satisfying–the completion. Think “junk drawer” clean out and you’re on the right rack.
Anyhoo, I feel quite pleased with myself on this latest one. My bookshelves have been in a state of chaos and design upheaval for far too long. We’re talking squirreling away old cards and much assorted clutter.
So I decided to Novogratz (yes, B & C I used your name as a verb) them. Not familiar with the term? Simply arrange by color for a cohesive aesthetic.
Voila! It’s amazing how crossing something of your to do list, especially something for yourself, can make you feel, eh? Happy Humpday!
P.S. I hope to continue blogging given this new career challenge ahead, stick with me as I get my groove back!
P.S.S. Since originally posting I have added these spooky glittery nods (heh, get it?) to Halloween, but who knows they may stay all year. They definitely amp up the Novogratz look, no?