DIY Starburst Driftwood Mirror
While I had the glue gun out from the previous post/project it seemed like a good time to work on another project that had been on my list since summer; driftwood starburst mirror.
We collected the driftwood this summer from various northwestern beaches. Actually our labrador chewed many of the sticks we collected, so we pared down the originally planned size.
We procured a round mirror from Michaels (I would strongly recommend getting a mirror that has the proper hanging hardware already attached to the back, more about that later) and hot glued away. Easy, right?
Well, like most DIY projects, it doesn’t usually go perfectly to plan the first time. I mentioned there was no hanger on the back of the mirror I bought, so I rigged up a paper clip with some duct tape and thought I was good to go. I hung it on the wall, and clearly underestimated the weight, as not even 2 minutes later the whole thing fell to the ground and every piece fell off.
Frustrated and annoyed, though not willing to give up entirely–I threw the pieces of driftwood into long vase for display. It looked alright, but I was rather determined to redeem the original project and amazingly, the mirror did not shatter (phew, the last thing I need is seven years of bad luck!). I made a quick trip to the hardware store for adhesive hooks that hold a total of 3 pounds and re-glued the pieces back into place.
What do you think?
I think it’s time for me to retire the glue gun for a while…