Crazy Things Afoot
We had a pretty unscheduled weekend– not quite the norm for us. It’s amazing the things you see and the thoughts you have when you aren’t rushing from activity to activity.
Like this guys who, no, isn’t walking on water, but rather tight rope walking. duh:)
It made me think about so many things. The balancing act we all play. The delicate nature of life, how suddenly and unexpectedly everything can all change. I, much like the rest of the country, am still reeling over the tragedy from last week in Colorado. We lived very close to CU Medical School where that deranged mind was attending school. He could have even been one of our neighbors. It is all just still so unthinkable.
Praying for those 12 innocent lives. And thinking about life held in balance
If you want to do something to help the victim’s families. There are dozens of groups existing and forming, here for more information.