C’s Wonder-land
My Wonderland is Nantucket. Officially. So you can only imagine my delight when a seemingly perfect place became even more perfect with the recent addition of C. Wonder.
I can’t believe we lucked out with the grand opening happening this weekend in Nantucket on Federal Street.
Beach Cruisers, naturally. Loaded with beach goodies.
The pink one is right up my alley
The enamel initial bracelets rock
Cute little doggie accessory section.
All canine’s should be rewarded with Lobster roll inspired dog treats, right? Chase, hurry to ACK, my Pooch-few.
They offered all kinds of fun freebies like these temporary tattoos
Complimentary candy bar, boy were my children in heaven.
Free beach totes this weekend. (Of course I had to buy my share …we went twice in one day.) PS if you make fun of my Birks, I may have to kill you. I have a bad foot, remember?
“Happy Hour” with free ice cream.
Too good to be true, and yet is. Pinch me.