It’s Not a Saturday Without…
“A trip to the Farmer’s Market,” you’re supposed to say.
So this weekend at the market, this is what we found:
Fresh eggs are delicious–eek and a little expensive, but as usual, you get what you pay for in life, right? Plus, we’re talking farm to table here people. Ever had a duck egg, worth it? They are definitely bigger. I hear they are good for making quiche.
We always pick up a baguette from Tall Grass Bakery. The kids literally pull off hunks of it while we cruise the market. I consider this a worthwhile carb. as minimally processed.
Speaking of hunks, check out the hot one from Hama Hama. Isn’t he the poster child for shellfish purchasing with his Xtratufs, and brooding fisherman look…? I mean, this is where we buy our oysters.
Swish it all down with some ginger beer from Rachel’s Ginger Beer. This stuff is zingy and good and yes, “zingy” is a word.
Must not forget tabletop. A few branches of forsythia are always chic and a sure Welcomer of Spring. Not too long before lilacs appear on the scene, yippee I can’t wait!
Oh and one last good reminder.
Here’s to a good week!