Tree Trimmin’
Alright, I’m feeling it now, spurred on after a little trip to Red Ticking. It’s a personal holiday goal to not have to step foot in a mall, and there’s certainly not a need to with a shop as charming and inspiring as this little gem of a boutique (with a wonderful blog and online store if you’re not local).
One of the loveliest places to trim your tree, ever, perhaps (I’m all about bold statements, but this might not be an over-exaggeration).
Jars of fanciful vintage beads and bling, over-sized mercury ornaments,
glass shell ornaments and various sea creatures with the perfect amount of sparkle and winter wonderland and so much more–ahhhh.
and a sweet little cardboard Xmas tree that only knows the bounds of your own creativity–this one donned red foil candy wrappers.
And to finish the experience with a cup of cocoa. NOW it’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!