I’m Crazy Excited About…
#1) Missoni launching a collection of 400 items for Target (think wellie boots, home decor items like pillows, trays, accessories and more) and I plan to buy every single one. I’m not kidding, I have a whole strategy. In stores Sept. 13th. Cue up the count down.
#2) Football season! As a grad. of a Big 10 Ten school, devotion to your team (Go Bucks!) becomes a top fall priority. That and the fact that I’m basically on house arrest (no illegal doings, it’s a broken bone type of thing) means something special to look forward to in the seemingly endless hours of couch/TV.
Should we decide to rally and entertain some folks during one of these games, I know exactly what to make for the most deceptively simply and delicious snack*
Pull out a shallow dish/serving plate with a lip. Line with Boursin (this is a fridge must-have, we use for so much like; burgers, crostinis, omelets and more) cheese about an inch thick (at room temp), top with Mango salsa, serve with whole grain scoop Tostitos. Voila. Easiest recipe ever, right?
*All cred. here goes to my Mom. She’s always amazing with simple, elegant and tasty tricks like this one.
#3) Last but not least, and speaking of good TV–Yes, all this couch time does position me well as a living breathing TV Guide. Rachel Zoe’s new season of The Rachel Zoe Project premiers tonight at 10/9c on Bravo. Yah, I’m so excited. Can’t wait for all the fashion commentary, hilarious Rachel-speak, and peak into her life as a new mother. Was that a Missoni Bugaboo (that’s it, we’re having a 3rd) I saw?
One last final style aside, good things come to those who wait. My blog, Living Well 7 was recently added to a national style network, can’t wait to give you all the juicy details in an official “reveal” so soon. The best of style across the web curated in one convenient spot. Stay tuned!!!!