Staying Still
Life moves pretty fast, right? You know, as Ferris would say…
And then suddenly it doesn’t. A few days ago, due to an accident, life slowed down pretty significantly for me. I am having surgery in a couple days.
So I’m slowing down and trying to cope with my inner “control freak” while taking a look around.
I will try to be lighter about things (like this funny magnet I came across–and P.S. my garden does k.a.). And try not take everything so seriously, which is not so easy for me.
I know there are lessons to be learned through this experience; like humility and appreciation of basic things like mobility. Being grateful for those that surprise us with thoughtfulness, support and generosity and not projecting expectations onto others.
I’m going to try to stay online, but that’s not a promise. We’ll see, one day at a time is the new mantra. Oh wait, do I hear a title for tomorrow’s post? Gotta run (Ok, maybe not so much, see I’m still not adjusted to this speed) and research how to bling out my cast. Check out this cool one we are determined to out-do from the Ortho-Pod’s office yesterday.
There’s got to be a silver lining somewhere in this…