American Girl Madness
Have you ever noticed how kids know how to Keep up with the Joneses just as well as grown ups?
Perhaps nothing spurs that notion on, while feeding right into American consumerism, as much as the American Girl Doll concept, and a visit to the store, in particular.
OK, I admit it, I am a little jealous of the ingenious (and I’m sure financially set for life) person who conceived of the concept. And I’m willing to bet from a marketing and sales perspective, there are probably cases studies of this model conducted in business school now…
Boy, does a trip to the American Girl Doll Store (AGDS) make ones head spin, and wallets shake!
First stop to the “Doll Spa” where among the many services offered, like “facial scrubs” for the dolls, a.k.a. getting faces washed off (yes, this is for real!), french braids, blowouts, etc., my daughter chose to get her dolls ears pierced. 14 seconds seconds and $14 later. Done.
Next up, the doll hair salon where for a mere $20 a professional “doll stylist” will style your doll’s hair as you watch and learn interesting tips to care for your doll’s hair.
Then we mosied on over to the photo booth for photo op. with the featured “girl of the year” Kanani. For a $100+ you can own your very own, girl of the year.
A visit to the AGDS isn’t complete without a stop to the cafe, where the dolls sit next to the kids in their very own boosters. Of course, the doll’s tea cups and booster seats are available for sale. Which is very convenient.
and watching kids with imagination at work, playing quietly under the kitchen table with their new American Girl stuff: Priceless.