Vertical Garden Wall
Our neighborhood has it’s share of green thumbs, I even know a Master Gardener or two…so one of my simple pleasures includes cruising around in the summer to see what everyone has been up to in their gardens.
It is with true delight that I stumbled across this amazing vertical garden wall. Check it out, the first shot gives you the angle and perspective that this actually is an upright garden:
Little holes made for plants, with a sheath of felt in the front, that’s pretty camouflaged from a distance. Brilliant!
I swoon over the array of textures, the succulents, the grasses, the colors, the spacial and creative wonder of it!
I did some quick research to see if there are any companies that support this kind of design and found The Green Head. How divine is this “living wall” to grow herbs right in your own kitchen?
Can you say “spoiled” being able to pluck a few fresh herbies just a few steps away from prepping a meal? What could be better?