We Earned Today!
Let’s be honest, I do my fair share of trash talkin’ Seattle weather.
But, on a day like today, the beauty of this city is hard to beat.
A few pics. from around town this morning.
My 2nd cup of Joe and some quick baked eggs (served in a small skillet with ham & gruyere, yum!) outside today at Oddfellows Cafe this a.m. This spot makes me happy, plain and simple.
Gorgeous ring of fuschia colored azaleas planted around a tree at Volunteer Park. Those Olmstead Brothers really knew what they were doing when designing this beautiful park.
Up the hill in the park, a peek-a-boo view of The Space Needle off in the distance.
Still snow capped Cascades Mountains off on the distance, Lake Washington in the forefront.
Wherever you are today, enjoy!