Nine Years Ago
Nine years ago today…
180 of our closest family and friends gathered on Nantucket Island as my betrothed and I exchanged our vows.
It was a day filled with sun, fun, sea air, shellfish…
Gratitude, cobbled stone streets…
Cocktails, Love–of course, dancing by E. Cliff and the Swing Dogs (are they still around?), and so much more!
We’ll never forget how happy that day was and how varied, joyful and in parts, challenging (anyone who tells you otherwise is fibbing), our life together has been since.
It was our very own Royal Wedding. Please no gagging:) I could post so many more photos, but #1 to date us, these are all pics of hard copy pics. As this was a time before the digital age blossomed, wow we’re old! Plus, we’ve got to save some for the upcoming 10th!
Follow your bliss…