A Love For Stripes
Albert Einstein says the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Yes, my love for stripes borders on insanity.
From casual ticking to bold modern with a sheen, fat, skinny, vertical or horizontal. I simply do not tire of stripes.
Image: HGTV
Striped wall and striped settee, too much? Nope, I don’t think so.
Or what about this french ticking fabric with a patina that pulls an interesting element into the design of the room?
Image: Things Caught In Michaels’s Eye
Image: Apartment Therapy
Awesome striped bathroom with trompe l’oeil effect on the ceiling and striped shower curtain…?
Yes, please.
Or check out Kate & Andy Spade’s hallway. It’s artsy, bold and still classic and of course full of personality.
Image: Selby Images
To make the obsession more insane. For at least a year now, they are all that I feel like wearing too. A post on that next week.