Fun in the Sun…Valley.
A few years ago, err like 20 to be exact–my parents took my brother and I to St. Anton, Austria to celebrate their 20th Wedding Anniversary over Christmas. The spot was chosen as they took a ski honeymoon in Austria following their wedding. So it was very befitting as they are about to celebrate their 40th Anniversary this year, that we took another family vacation to a ski destination that reminds me very much of the Austrian villages and ski slopes we visited 20 years ago, to Sun Valley, Idaho.
There is so much to love about Sun Valley. The aptly named, sunshine for one. The charm, the hill, the town. I could go on and on. And speaking of anniversaries, Sun Valley celebrates its 75th this season, and it simply couldn’t look any better.
No wonder The New York Times featured 36 Hours in Sun Valley recently. And perhaps stole a bit of my thunder in scouting out special spots, ah cest la vie. Maybe they should just pick me up as one of their travel correspondents? 🙂 No need to reinvent the wheel, right?
I concur with all mentioned in the article–especially the vintage consignment shop, The Gold Mine, as a major find. Talk about a MA-JER source for a retro ski party. Hellooo one piece–I can hardly wait to don a super attractive belted number complete with moon boots and host one of these theme parties!
Anyhoo, I did manage to discover some personal favs. and highlights not included in the article, like naturally heated swimming pools and hot tubs as part of the Sun Valley Inn and Sun Valley Lodge where a cocktail server will take your order pool/tubside, as you simultaneously drink in the cool mountain air.
And speaking of the Sun Valley Inn, this was the departure point for a simply magical Christmas Eve sleigh ride that we took to a mountain-side cabin for dinner. It was complete with cozy Pendleton blankets on board, carollers at the restaurant and a visit from Santa. Can you say complete perfection for our kids? Though the return trip through a field of snow and a glance to that star-filled sky is a permanently engraved memory etched into my mind.
One of my favorite cozy and delicious spots for an early morning to late afternoon bite is the The Kneadery.
Rob Reiner was dining there, one of the days we were there. And as much fun as a celebrity sighting is, people in Sun Valley and Ketchum really do a good job of leaving them alone. As it happens many celebs. frequent this relaxed town (Demi, Ashton, anyone?).
The actual skiing was top notch and Dollar Mountain, may be the PERFECT hill to teach little munchkins how to make “pizza turns” with their skis and progress into “french fries”. As for Bald Mountain, I was in LOVE. The views, the terrain, even the lodge boasted touches of luxury, complete with over-sized leather chairs for lounging and a touch of glamour with gorgeous chandeliers.
Ahhh, it was such a dream. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Almost 40th A&R!