Happy Chic
I thought this would be an ironic and apropos post considering my new recent and major “change of status” in the employment department. More about that later…
But alas, this title, doesn’t only refer to me, but one of my favorite designers, Jonathan Adler. (Very short aside, I am cracking up, as people who read this sort of make fun of me that I will use any word paired with “Chic” while bloggin’, and it’s true! Ahh, I love it when people make fun of me to my face!)
So, I thought of this post while perusing Barnes & Noble with my family tonight and seeing an advertisement for his book tour coming to Seattle this week and promotion of his new book, titled Happy Chic. There are 2 editions: Color and Accessorizing…:) What else is there in life?
I happened to meet Jonathan at another design event while living in Colorado at HW Home and have felt endeared to him since. Though darn it, I missed the book signing here in Seattle this weekend…
At any rate, let’s get down to it. What exactly is “Happy Chic”? While you should totally go out and secure your own copy of these fun books, I’ll get to the chase: it’s all about decor that makes you happy, not following the rules etc. Just go for it.
If you words don’t do the concept justice, check out these images from Elle Decor for the visualization.
Don’t be afraid of whimsy, and PUH-LEASE, don’t be afraid to be happy! Do you love how I can be totally superficial and deep at the same time?