I love this time of year. The back to school gig is less hectic by now and things are settling into place as the leaves turn color, and porches start sprouting pumpkins.
One of the highlights of my children's whole year is Halloween, just like most kids. When the costume catalogues arrive, they begin their circling and conversations about what their costume will look like. Of course this changes usually 10 or so times before we narrow in on one.
There is a home in our neighborhood that really sets the tone for the festivities. Check it out. This home NEVER disappoints. Each year there is a theme (and you know what a sucker I am for a theme), and this year, as you can see, it is a school theme.
The hosts are no amateurs, they even have a Website.
On Halloween night, the whole street turns into "trick or treat street" where each house follows the festive lead set here.
Hope you are enjoying all the" fruits", or "candies", more appropriately, of this season!