Singing in the Rain
After the super soaking ofSeptember (say that 3 times fast, I dare you!) we're currently experiencing, you pretty much have to. Or you'll lose your marbles. And whoever said that Seattle-ites don't use umbrellas, as it's usually just a "light mist," is lying.
Thank goodness there is a silver lining. Bella Umbrella outfits our soggy sect marvelously. Check out the cute Ballard (the ceiling reminds me of Chihuly glass like hung at the Bellagio) storefront, and if you're not in the area, they have a wonderful Website choc. full of their unique creations.
My favorite, favorite one is the black and white pagoda style.
And you know how I feel about vintage…check out this too cute for words umbrella from the 70's. Love love love.
And finally how sweet is this child's little parasol? I sense a photo shoot coming on withour little ones…
Now onto securing that never out of syle and always fabulous Burberry trench. The use per wear cost quotient, justifies it alone, whether you come from land of the rain or not.
Image from Saks Fifth Avenue
…."I'm happy again…just singin' in the rain"