Viva La Babysitter!
We lead a pretty active lifestyle, lots of coming, going, traveling, etc. Though recently our sacred tradition of weekly date night has gone to the wayside as we make room for group activities, etc. But alas, it returned this week and ahhh, the restorative effect…
Went to see the movie Greenberg. This is one of those stick with you flicks. I can't stop thinking about it. I'm always intrigued when a comedian, like Ben Stiller in this case can pull off a dark complicated role.
But it's funny in parts of, course. I mean, how can he not–just looking at him, pretty much I laugh. There is a scene where he is crossing the street in a cross walk and car almost turns into him, so he knocks the car and the car stops and threateningly turns around, which both surprises and scares him and then he runs away. The image, even typing it is cracking me up. You should go see it, in the meantime, check out the trailer:
Then off to my favorite local cozy bistro, Le Pichet, for an after movie bite. I can never resist the fromage, no matter the hour and this spot has so many delicious wines by the glass and as you can guess, pichets and demi pichets.
We may have to double up this week on another date night, oh wait there's a movie out now baring the name, may have to go see…Also stay tuned for an upcoming post regarding Sex and the City 2
and all things fashion! Oh my GOD, I can hardly wait. Breathe Courtney, breathe.