Double Your Philanthropic Dollars
This is one of those dreaded times of year, for most people who are preparing their tax returns. I can typically be found scrounging up all kinds of charitable receipts in an effort to keep our Uncle Sam tab down. As I'm here to talk about "living well"let's briefly reflect upon thatrewardingfeelilngwhenrealizing how much "giving back" goes on throughout the course of a year.
It also reminds me of a conversation I recently had with a friend regarding our generation and our ability to be involved and give back. Though we would all like to be able to do more…one resource that comes to mind as under-realized, is companies who match their employees gifts. Thousands of companies around the country do this. Is yours one?
Many non-profits have search engines like this one, where you can quickly type in your companynametofind out if your company matches. Check this link to find out:
What is cool about this is that your philanthropic dollars go twice as far. Of course, that doesn't relate to your own personal charitable deductibility. But it sure means a lot to those charities. Furthermore, it is typical that you would be listed according to an overall gift that includes a corporate match and receive benefits at that level. For example, local beloved public radio channel KEXP, offers great membership benefits, like invations to exclusive events, tours of the station, etc. So if you were to give a gift of $250 personally for exampleand have your company match it, you are now at the $500 level and get offered 4 invitations to an exclusive concert at the Triple Door. Not too shabby eh?
Typically companies have rules with regarding to minimum and maximum amounts per employee, so you will have to check that out. But it is usually a pretty simple and painless process. Usually the charities do most of the leg work in tracking the funds down from the companies. A simple form is all that is required on your end.
Just a little food for thought for everyone.