Year- round Farmer’s Market
One of the coolest aspects of living in an area where the average yearly temperature is 52 degrees, is that you can actually forage out to a farmer's market in the month of February. This morning on a fam. outing, we hit the University District farmers market. Seattle's oldest and largest market.
It would be an interesting test to time how quickly cash (must time an ATM visit properly) flies out of one's hands in a market like this. I'd say in the course of about 10 minutes we had thrown down on some Washington apples, potatoes, some amazing stinky (this is a good thing) blue cheese from Willapa Hills Farmstead cheeses, lettuces and these DARLING mini African market baskets(check out the leather handles) for the girls…who needs a traditional Easter basket when these stylish totes are available? P.S. the vendor bargained with us, always a thrill for me!
This is also the place to buy fresh eggs, all year long, yum and now the daffodils are starting to make an appearance at the flower stands along with, low and behold, branches like those I referenced in my Feb. 9 post, shellfish and all kinds of redonc-ulous pork products, like pork belly I know we'll buy next week…
Can't wait for a farm fresh meal tonight! Popping a cracker spread with big boy blue, yes actually the name of the cheese, with a drizzle of honey in my mouth right now, happy Sat. night!