What’s Better than Butter? Au Sel De Mer.
Some food is worth being fat for…plain and simple. These are my feelings about butter. I’ll be honest, I try to be careful with carbs (so sad, been brainwashed), but throw caution to wind as it comes to a fresh crispy baguette smeared with some delicious and salty butter. Salty, you ask? That’s right, here’s a fun new indulgence for you.
A French butter called Au Sel De Mer, by Paysan Breton. In other words, a moulded butter blended with coarse sea salt crystals. Of course the French get it right every time and this is a perfect example of a party in your mouth.
Just introduced to me by some amazing friends (thanks J&B) so of course, I have to run right out and buy it. It is not cheap, mind you. I picked our little hunk of deliciousness up from our local divine Italian (but would imagine you could find at a good gourmet store) grocer, DeLaurentis for $8 bucks or so for 250g, but worth every penny. Plus what are freezers for anyway?
We are having our French neighbors, with a gutted kitchen, over for dinner tonight and I wonder how impressed they will be by us?
By the way, I LOVE getting feedback about posts. This one in particular is coming to you as someone told me they would like to see more about food. So let me know what you like and I’ll do my best to get it to you. Thanks for reading.