MMmmmmmm Bacon!
Sorry “Foodies,” (see Jan. 18 post) I’ve been neglecting this category a bit. No worries, I’m hitting you hard with none other than the big daddy, that’s right, bacon, baby. We are all a little consumed by bacon in our house. I’m a little embarrassed to say, I think it may have been my youngest’ first word, or definitely in the first batch of them. For my husband’s birthday this year I got him a bottle of Bakon, which is bacon infused vodka. Don’t laugh until you try a bloody mary made with it. Talk about a savory treat.
Anyways, right now, I’m somewhat swearing under my breath while packing for everyone in my house for a dreaded flight with an not quite two year old in about 12 hours.I take comfort in a carrot that is dangling in front of me….this carrot, mind you, is in the form of bacon!
We are headed to lovely Palm Springs, home of palm trees, blue skies and Cheekys!
Cheeky’s is creator of the Bacon Bar, $1/slice or $4 flight of some delicious fried pork. Some of the flavors include: Nadines Smokehouse, Applewood, Jalepeno and Maple Vanilla.
Bacon with a Pomegranate Mimosa? Be right there!