It feels good to do good
I’ve officially been in the “business” of non-profit and professional fundraising for 12 years now. I’ve had the honor and privilege to represent many important causes and assure you it’s very much a vocation in addition to an avocation. I always have a little chuckle when a person asks me what I do in my day job, and when I begin to describe, I usually hear something like “Aww, that’s so nice…” to which I respond, “Aww, thanks…but they do actually pay me, too.”
But the real reason I have chosen to include this section as part of my blog is that #1 philanthropy is a true personal passion and #2 I’m always amazed by how much the public at large is unaware of philanthropic opportunities and would genuinely like to learn more about them.
Again with the theme of a new year, and the general de-cluttering we all try to do during this time of year– it’s time to move stuff out and make room for things that are more important. This can apply to time, resources, “stuff” or however you’d like to interpret it. Next time you need to give a gift, what about giving to your or a friend or family member’s favorite charity in their name? You could give to one’s alma mater, an important health organization, arts group–Hello Haiti?! An organization worth it’s name in salt will make this a cinch to do on their Website. There’s no cost of shipping, you get a tax deduction and they’ll send the person a groovy little acknowledgment of your good deed. Heck, even sometimes they’ll list you in the program or annual report in the “In honor or Memory” section.
Sorry Sausage of the Month club.
Quick Links:
Haiti Relief
Donating is easy; in the Red Cross’ case, phone users can text the word “HAITI” to 90999 to donate $10,” and when prompted, hit “YES” to confirm the donation. The donation is added to the cell user’s bill, and receipts are available.
To support a University like The Ohio State University (Totally selected at random, ha!)
Voluntarty Health Orgs.