“Foodies” Love Pizza
Do you ever wonder how many people out there consider themselves “foodies”? Or do you ever wonder who came up with that annoyingly stupid term, “foodies”? Well, until a new phrase is coined, I guess I would have to admit that we fall into this category. I’ve been way interested in food my whole adult life–and this minor obsession has really amped up upon meeting my husband and the ten plus years we have been eating together.Having met each other in Chicago we honed in on the culinary category of pizza from the start.
Since then, we have slowly migrated westward ending in Seattle and eating pizza all along the way. While expanding our palettes and horizons one bite at a time, I am always amazed at the concept of the simplest things being the best. This certainly reigns true for one of our favorite new discoveries–a delish little local spot called Delancey.
This pizza is sophistocated and simple at the same time. A bright sauce and amazing local ingredients make this a real standout. Of course atmosphere is important too, when making the investment in a sometimes too-rare date night. Again, simple is good, this place is great. By the way, I know you don’t all live in Seattle, but the owner of this restaurant writes a wonderful food blog, check it out: Orangette