Dining Room Before & After

Oh the transforming powers of paint!  They always say the prep work takes the longest, the taping, covering, etc.

dining1But once I took care of the prep, and started rolling on the Sherwin Williams “Regatta” color  paint onto the walls, the room changed in a matter of hours. dining2Voila!

I knew I had a bunch of pretty cream molding and built-ins to work with and to anchor a deep contrasting color so decided to take the risk!dining3I love how the art work comes alive with a bold saturated color.

dining4I added some new chandelier shades that are creme with black trim to boost the drama of current light fixture.    dining5but ultimately felt like the fixture needed to be replaced as the room needed more light


I added a slim sideboard and a pair of lamps, what do you think of the transformation?

Have a great week all!


Rules of Summer

Just returned from a mini-trip to the Cape, where the rules of summer were pretty evident.

So here are my Top 10 Rules of Summer:

Take Outdoor Showers

outdoor-shower-new-englandThese are a MUST people.  I don’t care if it’s raining out, an outdoor shower is always superior to an indoor one.

Go to the Water

rules10Whether it be the beach, the lake, a pool or a garden hose, just go get wet!

Grow a Garden


I don’t know about you, but I’m making it a personal goal to eat corn on the cob everyday and something with basil in it.

Eat Lobster

rules7Nuff said, right?  Eat it, and lots of it.

Savor the Colors


Drink in the vibrant colors of summer, and start noticing, now!

Avoid Sharks

rules4You definitely don’t want to tangle with Jaws.  So look out for them.

Go By Boat

rules2Boats are almost always the preferred method of travel.

Top Down

rules6If you must travel by car, it should be open air.  Take your time and enjoy the ride.

Dine Al Fresco

rules3Duh.  All food tastes better outside.

Be a Gamer

rules9Play them, badminton, croquet, Pro Kadima, there are so many and they are all good time fun.

Hope you all are having a fun summer and maybe making some rules of your own!


I Said, “A Boom Chick-a Boom!”

I said, “A Boom Chick-a Rocka, Chick-a Rocka, Chick-a Boom!” (any Girl Scouts out there remember this song?)

Sometimes you gotta take it back, WAY back.

I’ll admit when my daughter’s Girl Scout over night “Encampment” weekend was added to the calendar about 6 weeks ago, I had been dreading it, (and honestly, trying to get out of it) I’m bad, I know.

Finally the weekend arrived, we packed up our bug spray, sleeping bags and rubber mats for slumber on a wooden cabin floor and were off.

We arrived to the camp site and I was instantly brought back to my days as a girl scout at Camp Timberlake. Suddenly, the sights, sounds, and smells of girl scout camping come rushing back.

In my head, I hear the chanting of the song,

The bathrooms at Camp Timberlake they say are mighty fine, but when you sit upon them, bugs crawl up your behind…the showers at Camp Timberlake they say are mighty fine, but they look like muddy water and smell like turpentine…”

It’s like no time has gone by.

I realize that in the age of high tech and hurry there are still:

gsmess kits

gs2campfire cooking methods

gs3God’s eyes made out of sticks


gs5skits, giggles & scary campfire stories.

gs6But most of all, the realization that in the age in wanting to give our kids everything, sometimes it’s worth the dirty finger nails and bug bites to slow down and enjoy the simple things together.

**This post is dedicated to our fearless g.s. leader K.S.!  Without whom there would be no mess kits, or walking tacos or tissue paper crafts.  Truly appreciate you help in making this memory.



Seeing Purple

It was a purple state of mind last weekend in Nantucket.  The Island was flush with a zillion shades of lilac.  Cherry blossoms, wisteria, lilac, and pansies a plenty!

Want to take a look?

lilac4lilac7 lilac1lilac6figawi6lilac9

lilac8lilac11Seems we are sailing through the week, it’s already Wednesday!  Happy Humpday!

Home Opener in ACK

We journeyed to our beloved Island of Nantucket this weekend to greet summer head-on– figawi1Along with hordes of others (primarily it seemed of the 25 and younger crowd) to celebrate the annual sailing race known as

figawi2Figawi.  The mood was festive, to say the least and our kids got an education in partying from the periphery.

figawi3If I could count the number of times we over-heard the lurid details of hangovers by earshot as we were trying to enjoy meals in restaurants and out and about town.

figawi4Packs of preppily dressed groups of guys and girls would roam from watering hole to watering hole as some kind of Northeastern mating ritual.  But I can hardly judge (more like “observe and simultaneously feel old”), as this Island has surely seen it’s fair share of drunken sailors.

figawi5It was a fantastically beautiful weekend though and we practically have to pinch ourselves that we are on this coast now and can access more readily.

Cheers to the beginning of summer!



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